Wednesday 14 January 2009


Conscience motivates people to change. Sometimes, motivators like money, fame or power make people change. But I believe conscience is a more powerful motivator than those mentioned above, overwhelming those mundane thoughts of human behavior. Conscience is the eternal motivator to make people change.
Martin Luther King changed himself and the world because of his conscience. His childhood was very hard. And when he found there were so many blacks like him suffered the injustice, living hard lives, he began to change because of his conscience. He began to study hard instead of hanging out or playing. His conscience motivated him to change himself to be a strong man so that he can change the injustice to blacks in America. H led the Nonviolent Resistance. He made the famous speech “I have a dream”. Martin Luther King’s strong conscience for blacks’ civil rights in America made him change, change himself, change the bad living condition for blacks in America, change the injustice to blacks, change America, change the world.
During the near years, in the opposite part of the earth, another person was motivated by the conscience. Mother Teresa changed her life and many poor people’s lives because of her conscience. Mother Teresa had a nice family life since she was born. But her conscience for the number of poor people motivated her to give up her own happy life. She left home at age 18 to join the Sisters of Loreto as a missionary and she never saw her mother or sister. She founded the Missionaries of Charity. For over forth years she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity’s expansion, first throughout India and then in other countries.
Conscience motivates people to change no matter whether they can get money, fame or power after they change. Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa changed just because their love to the poor people, their unyieldingness to the surroundings, actually, their conscience.

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