Saturday 24 January 2009

reflective writing

This course was really useful for my degree. I enjoy this month even I have a lot of pressures. We have to write the whole essay by 3 weeks. It’s not enough. Actually it was really hard for me, because I never write any essay before either Chinese or English. So this is my first time to write. I think the most difficult part for me is writing essay. I don’t know how to start an essay and how to manage different part together. So after the lesson I check a lot of essay on the internet and learn how to structure the essay. It was really useful to get the ideas about the structure from other essay. Of course we can not copy everything but just for the structure. Then I know some thing about bibliography and reference. After this I know I can’t copy things from internet and also from books but I can use the idea or change few words to make it become my own things. So now I get a lot of skills to prepare my essay.
About teaching style, it’s not a lot of different between China and England but still few points. Firstly in China people think that academic knowledge was really important of a student, but in England people think general knowledge was more important. So I prefer the education in England that’s why I did my A-LEVEL here.
This month I really try to study hard and do a lot of research therefore I feel really tired. But the thing is I have to start the new student attend meeting by next week. Therefore I have no break between this course and my degree course. Poor me!
Last thing, thank you Dilek! You are the nicest teacher in the world! Thank you for these 2 months to take care about me and teach me a lot of useful things.
Thank you very much.

online lecture about marketing

Primary information users
1. Ultimate users of marketing
2. determine how targets will react to alternative marketing mixes
3. evaluate success of operational marketing strategies
4. change in external environment
5. identify new target markets
6. quality of consumer services and level of satisfaction

level 1
Corporate marketing departments
level 2
ad agencies
level 3
syndicated service firms
custom or ad hoc research firms
level 4
field service firms
specialized firms

1. product or brand managers
2. new product development managers
3. other front line managers

I really try to do a lot of notes, but the knowledge were really hard for me.
So I just take few words.
Sorry about that

Friday 23 January 2009

understanding plagiarism and referencing

plagiarism: then taking and using as one's own...
the thoughts,writings,or inventions of another(not just the words, but also ideas, data,images)
1.plagiarise work will normally include the application of the mark of zero to the whole module.
2.downgrading of the award
quotation is punctuated and used in an appropriate way.
It's commented on by the student and further information is given.
step 1:plan ahead
step 2:record source details
step 3:take appropriate notes
step 4reference correctly

Wednesday 14 January 2009

NY economy

New York State is the center of USA’s social culture adn the center of USA's politics and economy.
And this time I will talk about the state of New York in the USA.
A repot by the fiscal policy institute generally focuses on issues that affect the quality of life and economy well-being of NY works, claims that although nation of Unite state has enjoyed many years of increasing of economic expansion, although you can not seen this expansion on the NY state.
Infect during the 1997 to 2000 median incomes and wages for the workers has increased. But this kind of increased can still not reach the average level of the whole American. This led a very little improvement in the workers' standards of living from where they were in the last twenty years ago.
There are suggests by the Fiscal policy Institute's new analysis that in NY's ten regions has severe regional differences. For example, the Upstate economy has not benefited at all from united state's booming times. In fact, their economy increasing has been stopped, and the environment of economy in that area has showed a kind of sluggish. At he same time, the downstate region's economic growth has mainly depend on Wall Street, and many people living in edge of NY city are still struggling.
Looking at government data, we found that even though there are many resources near NY State and can support it to take. But those recourses can bring little benefit for the wages and the quality of workers’ life who living in NY state whatever in the economic good or bad times in America.
And also during the same data we can conclude that we can not just rely on the growth of economy of whole America to change the condition of New Yorker’s life. Instead, we need to analyze the economy growth of whole USA and find out how it affects not only workers but also their families.
Furthermore, it is clearly that the state government of NY State must take some responsibility to help families that are not benefiting form a growing economy.


Conscience motivates people to change. Sometimes, motivators like money, fame or power make people change. But I believe conscience is a more powerful motivator than those mentioned above, overwhelming those mundane thoughts of human behavior. Conscience is the eternal motivator to make people change.
Martin Luther King changed himself and the world because of his conscience. His childhood was very hard. And when he found there were so many blacks like him suffered the injustice, living hard lives, he began to change because of his conscience. He began to study hard instead of hanging out or playing. His conscience motivated him to change himself to be a strong man so that he can change the injustice to blacks in America. H led the Nonviolent Resistance. He made the famous speech “I have a dream”. Martin Luther King’s strong conscience for blacks’ civil rights in America made him change, change himself, change the bad living condition for blacks in America, change the injustice to blacks, change America, change the world.
During the near years, in the opposite part of the earth, another person was motivated by the conscience. Mother Teresa changed her life and many poor people’s lives because of her conscience. Mother Teresa had a nice family life since she was born. But her conscience for the number of poor people motivated her to give up her own happy life. She left home at age 18 to join the Sisters of Loreto as a missionary and she never saw her mother or sister. She founded the Missionaries of Charity. For over forth years she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity’s expansion, first throughout India and then in other countries.
Conscience motivates people to change no matter whether they can get money, fame or power after they change. Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa changed just because their love to the poor people, their unyieldingness to the surroundings, actually, their conscience.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

taking notes about managing and projects

1 main points:To build up your leadership and management capability.Alignment of values=influence(领导一个团队之关键在于拥有一致的目标,或大体一致。。。)(This is a chimes subject, more on mental level understanding but wonderful.)Lecture 2 main points:Leadership build-up
Traits theories (personalities)
Behaviors theories
Contingency theories
leadership pattern
Traits theories (personalities): who wants to be a leader? why that guy is the leader over the whole employees?
1. need for power (which I may have some but not much)
2.Need for achievement (which I am lack of...)
3.Need for affiliation (which I don't have...)
4.Stress tolerance (can I take stress? I think so...)
5.Self-confidence (yes I do!)
6.Internal locus of control (means believe in action can make changes. yes I do! Emotional stability and maturity (I'm looked like uncle, yes I do.)
· Personal integrity (以和为贵)
· Wisdom (most important thing! wisdom is the key. wisdom is not intelligence)
· Trustworthiness (值得信赖。小声说,会受伤害。。。)
· Benevolence (善待下属)
· Courage (鼓舞士气)
· Discipline (强调纪律 铁面无私)
· Recklessness (from here are bad factors)
· Cowardice
· Quick-tempered
· Sensitive to honor
· Overly compassionates (逼不得以。。。也得狠下心来。难!)
Behavior theories, the correct actions a good manager should take:
· Consideration (shows concern for subordinates)
· Initiating structure (design roles of subordinate in team)
· Task-oriented (就事论事)
· Relationship-oriented (good manager is caring and helpful.)
· Participative leadership (allow team member to participate)

overview of marketing

The subject I am going to study is consumer studies and marketing. It was really useful and kind of interesting. As we know all businesses need a plan and a process for marketing their products or services, and all but the smallest companies have professionals dedicated solely to this function? Marketing along with sales production and finance is a core functional area in most companies. Indeed, many businesses including some of the largest in the world rely on marketing strategy to drive company profit.
Marketing professionals interface extensively with a company's other major business functions. For example:Marketing strategy affects the company's business development strategy (and vice-versa) and the allocation of advertising resources. Marketing works closely with the company's production or service delivery departments to ensure that product or service specifications will meet consumers' demands.
Marketing professionals must understand the company's finances and the costs and profits associated with a particular product or service. Marketers have to get involved in the company's long-term strategic planning, including assessing market changes and the potential that new business alliances may bring. Given the scope of business concerns that marketing professionals interact with, it's not surprising that marketing is often thought of as a "microcosm" of the entire business enterprise. Marketing managers must have strong skills in business analysis and a broad-based appreciation for business as a whole. Therefore, many people see experience in this discipline as ideal training for general management.