Wednesday 26 November 2008

speaking practice..

I came back to st margreat house and got my luggage yseterday.When I arrive, ms H open the door for me and gave me a big hug!
Then we just have a cup of tea and talk about the things changed in house during these month.She told me kitty(other chinese girl which one year below me) does't come back after summer holiday. Nobody knows where's she and what she doing right now! The thing is she leaves so many bag including food in house. During summer holiday they saw so many mice around. That's a big trouble. Most superised thing is for first year a-level study she just get E for her maths and unpass for other 3 subject! That's unbeliveble! I saw she was a hard worker for most of the time.
Any way I don't have time to worried about her! I really need more time to write my essay planning!

oh! I see...

I haven't use blog before, so I don't really know how to use it.
But today I find the way to use it!
I know I am not clever, but I will try to study hard!
Last few day, I did't write any on my blog just because I'm studpid!

The first up date,I already introducemyself.So now I will analysis my abilities.
total marks are 10
speaking 9
writing 4
reading 5
listening 7
pronunciation 8
grammar 4
vocabulary 5
academic skills 5

I think I will improve my writing for these months.

Friday 21 November 2008

Hello everyone...

hey!This is Crystal's blog!
I will start my blog today and update as much as I can.
Here I will do my self study and a little bit my own life.

So now I will introduce myself first.
You can call me Crystal.
I 've been England 2 years for my A-LEVEL study.
My speaking was fine but my writing was really poor because I did science for a level.
So now I will try my best to improve my writing English and make more friends here.